DAVE DIAMOND IS PISSED! ----------------------- BY DAVE "HUMPH!" DIAMOND You know I`m sure that many,many people enjoy reading my articles - especially the adult ones. And one day when reading The Word issue 13 Kei wrote that I seem to be the only person that enjoys seeing adult articles. Well I think that YOU (that`s everyone) enjoy reading them as much if not more than I enjoy writing them. The problem is that I thought by introducing the series "My First..." would generate an interest into revealing some of the other readers first experiences resuting in some great and interesting reading. Well I seem to have quite alot of ESP as in an earlier article `Who`s the biggest wanker?` I said that I`d probably be the only dude to write in with these revealing articles....and I was. Perhaps it`s the voyeuristic nature in you readers to view but do nothing more. Hey!! I`m embarassing myself here - just for your pleasure! Let`s have a bit more interest from other readers,even if it`s to congratulate me on my forwardness. Secret fans of my sexy articles will be pleased to know that there are just a few more revealing articles to come - but NOT MANY! If anyone wants to send me a prostitute,cigar,bottle of vodka or some other item so I can have some research for future `My First...` articles then please send them to the usual address. Until then,this is Dave Diamond,the international member (!) of great articles signing off..... Send your offers of marriage,sex offers and other delicious material to DAVE-DIAMOND@USA.NET Or the old fashioned way of having some dude deliver a paper envelope and then push it through my box (!) to DAVE DIAMOND C/O THE INVADERS 4 CEFN RHOS TREDEGAR GWENT NP2 3PA Thanks for reading,your reward is myself. (That`s GREAT!) [I think that the reason that not many people responded to your adult articles is that they couldn't figure out the cryptic clue to get at them. Lately, even Carnage members have been asking me for the codes as I never gave them it as I figured they'd easily figure them out! Kei] end |